Sunday, October 4

Man's a poor deluded bubble

I have been extraordinarily happy for the last couple of months. I mean that, nothing could have nudged me from my podium of jubilation. It all started getting a bit ridiculous when my reasoning for being consistently happy morphed into euphoria because of my constant elation.

Now, i'm not trying to show off here, not at all, i'm merely wondering why it was that i was so painfully happy for so long. Unfortunately, i haven't come up with an answer. I think it was mostly to do with being around the people i loved without any worries. My last coupld of months have definitely been lacking any sort of stress. Well, long-term stress.

But anyway, on a lighter note, my hair started falling out last night. Attempted to go from a fairly bronzy brunette to peroxide. It was never going to happen. It's fairly badly singed. I will be bald by christmas.

So i came here to say very little, but also that this has changed my life;

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